Chicago Bulls 1966-2024
Back in 1984, the Bulls were entering their 19th year as a franchise when they signed Michael Jeffrey Jordan to a contract. Lest anyone forget, the pre-Jordan Bulls sported some very good teams that included some very good players with last names like Rodgers, Love, Walker, Boerwinkle, Sloan, Van Lier, and Gilmore. Their play brought winning seasons, plenty of loud excitement and hope at the Stadium, but alas none of those teams reached the Finals. By the time His Airness took the floor, the Bulls hadn't seen the playoffs in 3 years and the 1983-84 version had lost twice as many games as they won.
Jordan brought the team respect, but it took a total of 6 seasons, a coaching change, and a shrewd GM to make great draft choices and add role players for the club to hoist the hardware and raise the Bulls' first of 6 championship banners.
After #23 retired, the Bulls endured some tough times, but take note: 2 Bulls won Rookie of the Year honors (the second was voted league MVP), another won a 6th Man Award (his rookie season), a fan-favorite from Duke made the 2011-12 All-Defense team, and a 7-foot center from Florida won the 2012-13 NBA Player of the Year.
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